I'm a One NZ business customer, can I use Rewards?

Yes, One NZ Business Account holders can access Rewards and any employees they have can too. The instructions are slightly different, depending on whether you are the person who manages the One NZ account, or whether you are an employee of the business.

Instructions for Account Holders

Step One: Registered for a My One NZ Account

  • The process to register is really simple, you can do it here
  • You'll be asked to add a Service as part of the process, further information is in Step Two.

If you are the Account Administrator follow the below steps (a). If you just use the service then proceed to steps (b).

Steps (a):

Steps (b):

Instructions for Employees

If your employees are using your One NZ Business plan - they'll need to set up their own My One NZ accounts in order to access Rewards. Once they've registered, the One NZ Rewards site will prompt them to add the service they use. They might need your help setting it up as you need to enter in the account number and account pin number depending on the service type.

To set up your account with a My One NZ login and connect your business account. Follow these steps:

Once this is set up, you are good to go and can start using One NZ Rewards straight away!

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